Sunday, August 5, 2012

Baking in the summer is hard!

My husband usually works on Saturdays which means that it's baking day for me. I make the kids a big breakfast and set to work on making a cake and other goodies for the week. But in the summer my husband has been off on Saturdays and so we've been setting off on summer adventures! Trips to the zoo, going out for runs, camping outings, days at the beach or days spent on our boat. These have been more important than baking, rightfully so!

But that means that I've been disappointing you and failing to meet my goal of a cake a week! I'm so sorry... but I will make up for it with some extra-special cakes this fall! Maybe I'll even sneak in a few extra cakes to make up for those that I missed this summer!

Look for a cake coming soon!

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